The Super Snubby Test

I love a good drill or time trial or qualification test. These drills and courses are often built by experts with time and accuracy standards that allow for objective data regarding your shooting drills. Today we are looking into a category of firearms that I absolutely suck with, snub nose revolvers. I love them, but I am not a crack shot with one. Today’s test of might comes from Hardwired Tactical and is known as the Super Snubby test. 

The minds behind the test and Hardwired Tactical are Warne Dobbs and Darryl Bolke. Both men are titans of firearms knowledge and training. Watching Mr. Bolke do a subsecond pocket draw with a J-frame is a thing of beauty. Both men are retired police officers and have piles of real-world experience. 

The Super Snubby test takes that experience and condenses it into a simple but demanding test. It’s certainly a test of my snubby skills, and I was certainly found lacking. I don’t consider that bad news, it’s just something I need to work towards improving on. Let’s break it down. 

How to Shoot The Super Snubby Test 

First, let’s go over what we’ll need to put the pedal to the metal. We need a snub-nose revolver. I’m using the Ruger LCR. Second, we need a mere 15 rounds of ammo. That is not bad in a day and age where ammo is so expensive. 

Next, we need a B8 target. This classic NRA target can be printed for free and is as simple as it gets. You need a range that allows you to shoot at ten, five, and three yards. We also need a shot timer. 

We’ll start at ten yards. This is all shot from the low ready, which makes it possible to shoot at an indoor range if you so choose. When the timer sounds off, raise, aim, and fire five shots in eight seconds using both hands. 

Next, move to the five-yard line. At the beep, raise, aim, and fire five shots in five seconds using both hands. 

Finally, step it out to the 3-yard line. This time we are shooting strong hand only. At the beep, raise and fire five rounds in three seconds. 

My score for my first run was 129 points out of 150. I dropped three shots out of the black. 

My Thoughts 

The Super Snubby is no slouch. At the ranges you fire, it seems so simple, but the heavy double-action trigger, short sight radius, and recoil of the snub nose tell a different story. I ran the course more than once, and at the five and three-yard lines I was super tight on time. The recoil makes firing fast and straight tough. My next goal is to put every round in the black of the B8. Form there, I can start to focus on hitting the nin and ten rings and eventually hitting all tens. I’m a long ways away from that. 

The Advanced Super Snubby 

There is a more advanced version of this test I haven’t tried yet. This test doesn’t change much, except you shoot it from concealment. If you use a pocket carry holster, then you have to start with your hand gripping the gun. 

You shoot each course of fire from concealment, and the only difference comes at the last stage. Here you can shoot the stage two-handed and have 3.5 seconds instead fo three seconds. I haven’t quite tried this course of fire yet, but once I feel like I can hit the black consistently at the basic test, I plan to take on the Advanced Super Snubby. 

Do we have any snub nose fans out there? Have you tried the super snubby test yet? If so, let us know below what you think. 

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Travis Pike is a former Marine Machine gunner who served with 2nd Bn 2nd Marines for 5 years. He deployed in 2009 to Afghanistan and again in 2011 with the 22nd MEU(SOC) during a record-setting 11 months at sea. Travis has trained with the Romanian Army, the Spanish Marines, the Emirate Marines, and the Afghan National Army.

He serves as an NRA-certified pistol instructor and pursues a variety of firearms-based hobbies.


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2 thoughts on “The Super Snubby Test”

  1. I like the LCR and my wife and I have both carried the original one when it first came out. We found the recoil on the LCR to significantly less than any of the other popular small frame revolvers. We both thought it was easy to get accurate shots off, and it definitely can be carried in a pocket holster or a purse without making you feel weighed down.

    We have been talking about replacing the one we sold, and we just came from a store running a sale on the LCR’s. I almost took one home today. After your article and the description of the drills, I might have to go back tomorrow to see if it is still available.

    1. Dear Dex,
      I think far too much emphasis these days on WHAT you shoot [ Glock vs SIG vs HK battles all over the internet] vs HOW you shoot. Focus on your skills, use a variety of platforms [ revolver, hammer auto, striker fire] so you’re competent in many formats, especially under stress because you dont know what you’ll have available. That’s what the instructors/RO are telling me.

      Not to brag, but those same folks give me compliments on my range sessions because I am clearly shooting drills with specific goals in mind [ training with a purpose]…and it will improve your overall skills.
      I’ve shot this course already with a couple of snubbies [ Colt and S&W]…respectable yet a challenge…when I shot them with autos …WOW did skills improve.
      Just one man’s thoughts…good luck and LOCK AND LOAD!

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