Anyone can do a holster review right out of the box but what about after it’s been worn for 3, 5, or 8 years?
Hey, we get it. You spend a lot of money on a new handgun, then comes the ammo, training, maybe a light or laser, membership to USCCA, upgrade your trigger or sights – it adds up fast! So when you get around to looking for a holster to hold your new baby, it may be tempting to skimp or go with a cheaper option but this is not the time to cut corners.
After putting in so much effort and care into handcrafting our legendary hybrid holsters, we love posting pictures of the finished product but sharing pictures of a well-worn product is a better way to demonstrate just how far your dollar actually goes.
Famous on Instagram
We’re tagged in tons of posts from customers excited to receive and unbox their new holsters and we agree – they’re handcrafted works of art, who can resist showing them off?!? While our holsters are good (comfortable, soft, gorgeous) right out of their iconic black bags, they only get better with time.
But don’t take our word for it, check out these real-world testimonies:

#glockfanatics #gunchannels #gunsofinstagram #iphone7 #america #2a #alwaysready #carryeverywhere
blackandgoldguy: Been almost 3 years, my @crossbreed_holsters held up very well. Kydex started getting loose a bit but still locked my gun in place. I’m just very picky and always want my gun snug fit where it doesn’t move. With their unconditional lifetime warranty, they took it in, tightened up the kydex and my gun will not move at all now. Just received it today, Super snug, flipped it upside down, and shook the crap out of it, nothing. Out of all the holsters I’ve used and all of the discounts I’ve gotten from other holster companies, CBH still exceeds my expectations and is my favorite holster, most comfortable, and effortless concealer. This post is not sponsored or paid by CrossBreed, I’m reviewing this as a loyal customer. Thanks, guys and hope to see you guys succeed more than you are now.
mtn_tactical: Never go to work without the essentials.
#essentials #edc #everydaycarry #pocketdump #dontjudge #ihavebigpockets #iamsportsman #itsinmynature
kygunfanatic: Carry Every Day.
#carryeveryday #everydaycarry #mandp #smithandwesson #9mm #guns #gunsofinstagram #holsters #merica #kentucky #usa #edc #carryon #shieldsquad #gunporn #gunpics #dailydefense
paulmarkel: The Canik TP9 Elite SC w/new @crimsontrace mini #reddotsight @canikusa #edcgear @studentofthegun
catahoula_six: Shout out to @nubgunner for the intro to @mutinymetals and their bitchin silver products.
#mutinymetals #silverbullion #glock #guns #gunsofinstagram #toorknives #knives #edc
truexodus: @wilsoncombat or @stiinternational Costa VIP? I carry them both because I know that, despite being 2011s they will reliably go bang even under the most unrealistic-adverse shooting conditions. I typically carry them in the 4 o clock position in a @crossbreed_holsters SuperTuck on Sunday mornings. Which pistol would you prefer? #peacherpackingheat #2011 #turntheothercheek
faithkillsfear: On the left (my right) is a practically unused @crossbreed_holsters SuperTuck in horsehide. On the right is a VERY worn in and heavily used MiniTuck in horsehide. You might notice the kydex looks better/more defined on the newer holster; that’s because the holster on the right was actually made for the original LCP more than 7 years ago and when I bought the LCP2 and sold the original, I couldn’t part with the holster. So I reshaped the kydex to fit the LCP2 and I’m happy with how it turned out for not being a kydex craftsman.
CrossBreed actually offered to reshape it for me but they couldn’t make a guarantee that I wouldn’t get a brand new holster. Well when the leather fits your body this perfectly and you’ve spent more than 7 years breaking it in, I just couldn’t take the risk. Stay vigilant, be prepared, and remember, Faith Kills Fear! #theSheepdogDefenseProject #faithfamilyfreedom #pewpew #gunsdaıly #gunstagram #defendyourself #ccw #dailycarry #thinblueline #crossbreed #everydaycarry #edc #2a #secondamendment #supertuck #molonlabe #donttreadonme #gun
devastationandreform: “The police cannot protect the citizen at this stage of our development, and they cannot even protect themselves in many cases. It is up to the private citizen to protect himself and his family, and this is not only acceptable but mandatory.” —Jeff Cooper
#g43 #glockperfection #qrtmstr#disobey #jeffcooper #rkba #dtom #2a #2ndamendment #gunsandquotes
educatedarms: We get asked all the time about what we carry etc. Today I’m carrying pretty light, a @glockinc G26, loaded with @hornadymfg critical defense, in a @crossbreed_holsters holster (this holster has seen a ton of wear over the years and still works great), and a @crkt_knives Ken Onion fist production knife I was given YEARS ago.
#educatedarms #instaguns #iggun #murica #america #chl #weaponsdaily #pewpew #pewpewlife #gunchannels_ #ar15 #9mm #guns #firearms
crossbreed_holsters: Joe S. says, “Thought y’all might like seeing this. All these years, over 2500 days of constant carry… it’s still going strong!”
#crossbreedholsters #lifetimewarranty #madeinamerica #qualityproducts #glock #edc #iwbholster #hybridholster #everydaycarry #selfdefense #personalprotection #madeintheusa
morgan_w_gregory: The daily carry.
#edc #pistol #sigsauer #benchmade#gear #tacticalgear
j.w.walker: Brand spankin’ new vs. well worn and oxidized. #agedtoperfection #carrythecross #crossbreedholsters #CCW #2A #defendthe2nd #iwbholster #stayvigilant 👊🏼
@ulticlip: If holsters could talk, the old Crossbreed in this picture would tell the story of a generous man of faith and vision that answered the phone one day when a young guy called looking for a good way to carry his new handgun. That man was Mark Craighead of @crossbreed_holsters Mark was called to be with his savior in 2012 and is missed deeply in the firearms industry. Today, the Craighead family and the talented team at Crossbreed Holsters continue Mark’s vision to offer great holsters, and Ulticlip is honored to work with them! #crossbreedholsters #morethanholsters
Steve: I keep coming back to my 8-year-old @crossbreed_holsters SuperTuck.
Racked TV Outdoors: Nothing like having a matching bow with your everyday carry! Check with your local state rules but if it’s legal to carry while bow hunting I suggest that you do! Contact @crossbreed_holsters and order you a holster. Might as well be comfortable while you carry. Wear the cross and always be prepared!! #supertuck #crossbreedholsters #glock
Forte Defense: This one goes out to my buddy @just_a_mountain_dude_ who asked me about my IWB holster for my Glock 19. I’ve been carrying my G19 at the 4 o’clock position in this same @crossbreed_holsters SuperTuck IWB for about 7 years as my EDC. It is well-loved, and still going strong!
oldskoolstewart: After six years of daily wear and lots and lots of abuse, my @crossbreed_holsters Horsehide SuperTuck holster finally gave up the ghost. I mailed it in with the warranty form and got a brand new one back in less than three weeks. I’ll tell you what… I may have been a little skinnier when I got my first one. It’ll take a minute to wear this one back into shape.
You’ve Got Fan Mail!
We get messages, emails, and letters from customers raving about their leather backer’s shape all the time. After years of daily use, our pliable, premium leather backers form to your body’s shape and become almost a second skin – which is also why so many of us forget we’re carrying our firearm!
The body side, especially on concealed holsters, becomes conditioned with the natural body oils from your skin, and after a few weeks of use, you’ll start to see ‘the bend’ develop as the leather conforms to your body shape.
Customers send their holsters back for repair (like the one shown here) with notes asking – some of y’all begging us to use your broken-in leather backer on the new holster.
While we do what we can to accommodate your wishes, if we feel that using the broken in piece of leather would in any way compromise the integrity of the new holster, we use a fresh piece of leather.
But, of course, breaking it in is half the fun, isn’t it?!
We Got You Covered
Since we handcraft our handgun holsters to order, you can choose a right or left-hand draw, standard or combat cut, J-hooks or V-Clips, and many other options to suit your specific needs! Whether you choose an open carry holster or concealed carry holster, we stand behind our products with our legendary Lifetime Warranty.
Well Worn and Loved
How about you?! Do you have an old-school CrossBreed Holster that shows just how well it holds up to everyday carry!? Tag us in your best picture on Instagram, Facebook, or Pinterest and share how old your holster is to show others just how well our handcrafted hybrid holsters hold up!!
Jenn Jacques is a fierce 2A defender, concealed carry advocate, fishing enthusiast, avid hiker, hunter, and an all-around great gal with a gun. As a former Private Detective, Jenn put those skills to good use, fighting for gun rights in her home state of Wisconsin before becoming the first female editor of a 2A/Gun News site and moving on to become a publication writer, popular multi-media guest, and respected news expert.
Jacques has completed hundreds of hours of firearms training including USCCA’s Street Encounters and Low Light/No Light Training, she is a graduate of the Gunsite Academy, and was named a S.A.F.E. Summer Local Champion of Firearm Safety by NSSF’s Project ChildSafe.
A staple in the firearms industry since 2009, Jenn is proud of her professional accomplishments and to be raising her three children with her husband John who is also an avid hunter, 2A supporter, and an amazing father.
You can find her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or shooting at any number of gun ranges across this great country.
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©MTC Holsters, LLC and CrossBreed Holsters Blog, 2020.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Jenn Jacques and the CrossBreed Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.